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9 High-Fat Foods That Offer Great Health Benefits

Researchers have discovered that dietary fat can be beneficial, even though it was once strongly discouraged and was considered to be a major cause of heart disease.

The American Heart Association recommends that saturated fat be kept to less than 10% of total calories. Some saturated fats, such as those found in dairy, may not have the same adverse effects as those found in red meat.

Full-fat foods can still offer some benefits over reduced-fat or fat-free counterparts. They are often less processed and have lower sugar and carbohydrate levels.

These 9 high-fat foods are extremely nutritious.

1. Avocados

Avocados are a unique fruit in the world. Avocados contain a lot of fats, whereas most fruits only contain carbohydrates.

Avocados have about 80% fat ( calories ), making them even more fattening than other animal foods

Avocados provide 15% of the Daily Value (DV) per 5-ounce (150g) serving. They are also rich in antioxidant compounds.

A study that involved 45 participants found that one avocado per day for five weeks had positive effects on cholesterol.

They are also a great resource of fiber that offers many benefits for your digestive health, heart health, weight management, and overall well-being.

2. Cheese

Cheese can be surprisingly healthy, despite its reputation.

It is an excellent source for calcium and vitamin B12, as well as selenium.

It is also high in protein. A single ounce (28g) of cheese contains 6 grams of protein.

Like other high-fat dairy products like cheese, it doesn't seem to raise heart disease risk as compared to reduced-fat dairy.

3. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be disguised as a delicious treat. It's high in fat with around 65% of calories ( .

Dark chocolate also contains fiber and many notable nutrients such as iron and magnesium.

It is also loaded with antioxidants like resveratrol, the same antioxidant that gives red wine its health benefits, and epicatechin, which may possess anti-aging and performance-enhancing properties.

It is important to choose dark cocoa that contains at least 70% cocoa. Other varieties have more sugar and less nutrients and antioxidants than dark chocolate.

4. Whole eggs

Whole eggs were once considered to be unhealthy, as the yolks contain high levels of cholesterol and fat.

New studies however have shown that cholesterol found in eggs doesn't negatively affect cholesterol levels in the blood.

Additionally, eggs are rich in nutrients and contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other vitamins. Choline is one example. It's a vital nutrient that the brain requires, but 90% of people don’t get enough. 50g of eggs provides 27% of DV of Choline.

Eggs can also be weight loss-friendly food . They are rich in protein which can help you feel fuller between meals, and reduce calories.

Eggs, yolks and all, can be a healthy addition to any diet.

5. Fatty fish

Fatty fish is widely considered to be one of the best sources of animal protein. This includes salmon, mackerel and herring.

These fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fat acids, high quality protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Studies show that regular consumption of fatty fish may improve cognitive function, regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease .

A fish oil supplement might be helpful if you don't like fish or can't eat it. The best fish oil supplement is cod fish liver oil. It has all of the HTML 3s you need, and plenty of vitamin E.

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6. Nuts

Nuts are extremely healthy. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber and are a great source of protein from plants.

Also, nuts contain vitamin E, and they are rich in magnesium. This mineral is essential for most people.

Research shows that nuts are healthier than other foods and lowers the risk of developing various diseases. This includes type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Nuts that are healthy include walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts and many other nuts.

7. Chia seeds

Chia seed are not considered a "fatty" food. However, an ounce (28g) of chia seed actually has 11 grams of fat.

Additionally, almost all carbs in chia seed are fiber. This means that the vast majority of calories in them comes from fat.

These aren’t any fats. Alpha-linolenic (ALA), a vital, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid found in chia seeds is the majority of the fats.

Many health benefits may be associated with chia seeds, including lowering blood pressure and anti-inflammatory effects.

They are also extremely nutritious. Chia seeds are loaded with fiber, omega-3s, and nutrients.

8. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is another healthy fatty food. It is high in oleic acids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

This is an important component of the Mediterranean Diet. It has been shown to have many health advantages in terms of heart health, blood sugar management and weight management.

It is versatile and great for cooking, but shines in roasted vegetables or homemade salad dressings.

9. Full-fat yogurt

Nutrient-rich full-fat yogurt is possible. It contains all the important nutrients found in other high-fat dairy products.

It also contains healthy probiotics which can have powerful effects for your health.

Research has shown that yogurt can improve digestion and help reduce heart disease risk.

Research also suggests that full-fat milk has no adverse health effects when compared to low-fat or fat-free dairy.

Choose full-fat yogurt or whole milk yogurt and choose a version that has minimal sugar.

The bottom line

Research now shows that high-fat foods are not as low in nutrients as once believed.

Moreover, foods naturally high in fat may have similar health benefits as their low-fat counterparts but are less processed.

These high-fat foods are more calories but can still be part of a healthy, whole-food-based diet.

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